CSTO Permanent Council

The first meeting of the CSTO Permanent Council in 2020 was held. A number of political statements on pressing issues of international security was considered
Meeting of the CSTO Permanent Council took place
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on the decisions of the Collective Security Council, which will be considered at the CSC session in Bishkek on November 28
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on draft decisions of the authorized organs
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on a draft Plan of Activities for celebrating the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on draft agendas for a session of the Collective Security Council and a joint meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Council of Ministers of Defense, The Committee of Secretaries of the Security Council
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on the Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Collective Security Treaty Organization member states on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed upon the draft Regulation on the Interstate Working Group on the implementation of measures to create a single system of technical protection for the railways of the Collective Security Treaty Organization member states
The draft statements on combating the Nazism glorification and stabilizing the situation in the Middle East and the document on the establishment of a Working group to the CMD in the area of electronic warfare
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on amendments to the Regulations on the Collective Security Council and the Rules of Procedure of the CSTO Organs
At the meeting of the CSTO Permanent Council, a draft agenda of the upcoming May meeting of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Organization was made up
At the meeting of the CSTO Permanent Council, an action plan was agreed to implement the decisions of the session of the Collective Security Council

CSTO Permanent Council - body that deals with issues coordinating the interaction of Member States in the implementation of decisions taken by the organs of the Organization in the period between sessions of the Council.   
The Permanent Council consists of Permanent and Plenipotentiary Representatives, appointed by the Member States in accordance with their internal procedures, and acts in accordance with the Regulations approved by the Council.

Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Belarus to the Collective Security Treaty Organization - Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation Grinevich Aleksandr Yevgenievich (Chairman of the CSTO Permanent Council) 

Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Collective Security Treaty Organization Syzdykov Marat Zenikenovich

Permanent and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Counselor of the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Russian Federation Turgunbekov Mirlan Ermekovich

Permanent and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Russian Federation to the CSTO - Ambassador at Large of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia Agasandyan Mikael Vadimovich     

Permanent Representative of the Republic of Tajikistan to the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Counselor of the Embassy of the Republic of Tajikistan in the Russian Federation Sultonov Khasan Usmonovich