Authorized organs

Crews of Russian helicopters in the course of the training "Indestructible Brotherhood-2020" in the Republic of Belarus ensured the landing operation and delivery of humanitarian cargo
The President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko held a meeting with the CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas
The Command of the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces held a meeting on the interaction of all contingents during the “Indestructible Brotherhood-2020” training in the Republic of Belarus in the course of the peacekeeping operation
The CSTO Deputy Secretary General Valery Semerikov met with the Chairman of the State Duma Commission to Investigate the Facts of Foreign Interference in the Internal Affairs of Russia
The CSTO peacekeepers are working out the first stage of preparation for a joint peacekeeping operation in the training "Indestructible Brotherhood-2020" in the Republic of Belarus
A command and staff training with the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces "Indestructible Brotherhood-2020" began in the Republic of Belarus
The CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas gave an interview at the RT TV channel: "We give priority to political means of influence"
Statement of the CSTO Secretary General in the course of the “round table” meeting "CSTO: Landmarks for Strategic Development", October 7, 2020
On the situation that arose in connection with the resumption of the armed conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh
The CSTO Deputy Secretary General Piotr Tsikhanouski took part in the VII-th Forum of the Regions of the Republic of Belarus and Russia
The CSTO Crisis Response Center hosted a strategic command and staff training aimed at deploying the assets of the collective security system
The CSTO Deputy Secretary General Valery Semerikov took part in the 2020 OSCE-wide Counter-Terrorism Video Conference (Vienna, Austria)