
First consultations of the heads of press services of the Foreign Ministries of the CSTO member States were held in Minsk
First consultations of the heads of press services of the Foreign Ministries of the CSTO member States were held in Minsk
The CSTO Permanent Council adopted a Statement on Military Activity in the Territories Bordering the CSTO Zone of Responsibility and its Impact on Eurasian Security
The CSTO Permanent Council adopted a Statement on Military Activity in the Territories Bordering the CSTO Zone of Responsibility and its Impact on Eurasian Security
The CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas participated in the joint meeting of the Council and the fourteenth plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
The CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas participated in the joint meeting of the Council and the fourteenth plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization
The VI Coordination Meeting of the High-Level Representatives the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross took place in Geneva
The VI Coordination Meeting of the High-Level Representatives the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the International Committee of the Red Cross took place in Geneva
The CSTO Secretariat hosted the 34th meeting of the CSTO Ministerial Council Working Group on Afghanistan
The CSTO Secretariat hosted the 34th meeting of the CSTO Ministerial Council Working Group on Afghanistan
The CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas had a meeting with Valery Gerasimov, the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
Consultations of the deputy foreign ministers of the CSTO member States were held
VI High-Level Coordination Meeting between the CSTO and the International Committee of the Red Cross will be held in Geneva on November 26
A meeting of the CSTO Defense Ministers Council Working Group on the Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics of the CSTO Collective Forces was held
A meeting of the CSTO Defense Ministers Council Working Group on the Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics of the CSTO Collective Forces was held
 The active phase of training “Cobalt-2021” of the CSTO CRRF special forces took place in the Republic of Tajikistan
The active phase of training “Cobalt-2021” of the CSTO CRRF special forces took place in the Republic of Tajikistan
The CSTO Deputy Secretary General Samat Ordabaev took part in the II Eurasian Analytical Forum
The CSTO Deputy Secretary General Samat Ordabaev took part in the II Eurasian Analytical Forum
The CSTO Secretary General has discussed with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia situation on Armenian-Azerbaijani border by phone
The CSTO Secretary General has discussed with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of Armenia situation on Armenian-Azerbaijani border by phone