Authorized organs

Joint training with the forces and means of intelligence of the CSTO member states "Search-2019" ("Poisk-2019") will be held on the territory of the Republic of Belarus from 14 to 18 October
At the second stage of the special training "Echelon-2019", issues of organizing the material and technical support of the formations of the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces during the joint operation to localize the armed conflict were worked out
In the Nizhny Novgorod region of Russia, a special training “Echelon-2019” with the forces and means of material and technical support of the CSTO member states began
Accreditation of journalists to participate in the joint operational-strategic training “Combat Brotherhood-2019”
On the results of the attendance of the CSTO Acting Secretary General in New York
A working meeting of the Foreign Ministers of the CSTO member states was held
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on a draft Plan of Activities for celebrating the 75th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War
The CSTO Acting Secretary General Valery Semerikov will attend the 74th session of the UN General Assembly in New York
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on draft agendas for a session of the Collective Security Council and a joint meeting of the Council of Foreign Ministers, Council of Ministers of Defense, The Committee of Secretaries of the Security Council
On September 24, a briefing will be held by the Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff, Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on the Statement of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Collective Security Treaty Organization member states on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II
A working meeting of the main operational departments of the general staffs of the armed forces of the CSTO member states was held in Kyrgyzstan