The CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov held an expert meeting with Kirill Babaev, Director of the Institute of China and Modern Asia of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
The ХХ session of the CSTO Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation will be held on October 19 in Moscow

On 19 October, this year, in Moscow, ХХ the ХХ meeting of the Interstate Commission for Military-Economic Cooperation of the Collective Security Treaty Organization will be held. The meeting of the Commission will take place within the business program of the International Exhibition of Means of State Security "INTERPOLITECH-2022", which will be held on October 18-20 in the International Exhibition Center "Crocus Expo"..
The draft Agenda of the meeting includes consideration of the results of the implementation of the decisions of the Commission's last meeting in September 2021 in Minsk (the Republic of Belarus), as well as the implementation of the activities of the CSTO member states' Program of Military-Economic Cooperation, adopted in 2016.
The meeting participants are to determine further measures for the creation of an interstate system of cataloguing supplies for the armed forces of the CSTO member states, ensuring mutual protection of rights to the results of intellectual activity obtained and used in the course of military and economic cooperation, as well as improvement of cooperation between enterprises and organizations of the military-industrial complex of the Organization member states.
During the preceding two days - 17 and 18 October, in the course of the meeting of the Working Group on Military-Economic Cooperation under the Chairman of the ICMEC, the national parts of the Commission together with the with the experts of the member states of the Organization will work to finalize the documents to be submitted to the plenary meeting of the Commission on 19 October.
A meeting of the Coordinating Council for Standardization of Armaments and Military Equipment under the CSTO ICMEC will also be held on the above dates to finalize the draft Agreement on Standardization of Armaments and Military Equipment within the CSTO, taking into account the comments and suggestions made by the member states of the Organization in the course of its internal harmonization.
The Interstate Commission for CSTO Military-Economic Cooperation was established by the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council of June 23, 2005. года.
The Commission's main function is to develop recommendations and make decisions within its competence to ensure multilateral military-economic (technical) cooperation in priority areas of cooperation within the CSTO format. These include the development and implementation of long-term programs for military-economic (technical) cooperation; maintaining specialization and cooperation in the production of military products; the creation of joint ventures (organizations) to develop, produce, modernize, repair and recycle military products; and joint research and development work to develop and modernize military products, among others.
Accreditation of media representatives is until 17.00 on 18.10.2022. The event will be held in pavilion 1 of the International Exhibition Centre "Crocus Expo", Conference Hall E. The beginning is at 14.00 on 19.10.2022.
CSTO Press Secretary Vladimir Zaynetdinov
+7495-621-33-23 - tel/fax