
The CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas held talks with the secretaries of the security councils of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan in connection with the worsening situation on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border

The CSTO mission advance team led by Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov arrived in the Republic of Armenia
On September 15, Colonel General Anatoly Sidorov, Head of the CSTO Joint Staff, will give a briefing on the readiness of command and control bodies and formations of forces and means of the CSTO collective security system for joint trainings

The CSTO Mission advance team will be sent to the Republic of Armenia on September 15

Extraordinary session of CSTO Permanent Council held in connection with sharp aggravation of situation on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Extraordinary session of the CSTO Collective Security Council has discussed the situation in connection with the sharp deterioration in certain areas on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Coordination meeting of chief narcologists of the CSTO member States took place in Yerevan

The CSTO Permanent Council adopted a Statement condemning the terrorist attack in Kabul on September 5, 2022

The CSTO Secretary General had a meeting with the Belarusian Ambassador to Russia

First consultations of representatives of legal services of foreign ministries of the CSTO member States on legal aspects of the Organization's activities were held

Consultations of the CSTO member States representatives on the agenda of the 77th session of the UN General Assembly were held in Moscow
Military contingents of the CSTO member States participate in the active phase of the “East-2022” training