A meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council was held

A meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council was held 23.11.2023

A meeting of the CSTO Collective Security Council was held in Minsk on 23 November.

The heads of states have discussed in detail current problems of international and regional security and the main results of the activities of the CSTO during the inter-sessional period.

It was decided to transfer the Chairmanship of the Organization from the Republic of Belarus to the Republic of Kazakhstan from 1 January 2024. Kasym-Jomart Tokayev presented the priority areas of activity during the period of Kazakhstan's chairmanship of the CSTO.

Decisions were taken on important issues of the CSTO activities, including a package of documents on crisis management.

The activities of the Belarusian side as Chairman of the Organization were highly appreciated.

Colonel-General Serdyukov Andrei Nikolayevich was confirmed as the Chairman of the CSTO Joint Staff.

The next meeting of the CSTO Joint Staff will be held in Astana in the fourth quarter of 2024.

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