
On September 11, 2024, in Bishkek, the CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov met with Secretary of the Security Council of the Kyrgyz Republic Marat Imankulov.


On September 11, 2024, in Bishkek, the CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov met with President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov.


On September 11, 2024, in Bishkek, the CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov met with the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic Jeenbek Kulubayev.


In Kyrgyzstan, the “Echelon-2024” special training with logistical support forces and means is being organized to improve the coherence and efficiency of the work of the logistical, technical and medical support bodies of the CSTO Collective Security Treaty Organization in preparation for and during the conduct of a joint operation.

On the readiness of the command bodies and formations of the CSTO collective security system for joint trainings

On the readiness of the command bodies and formations of the CSTO collective security system for joint trainings 28.08.2023

On 28 August 2023, the CSTO Crisis Response Centre (Moscow) hosted a briefing by Colonel General Anatoly Alekseevich Sidorov, Chief of the Joint Staff of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.

The subject of the briefing: "On the readiness of the command bodies and formations of the CSTO collective security system to conduct joint trainings".

The Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff briefed the participants on the set of measures planned as part of joint operational and combat training, on the aims and tasks of the trainings being conducted, on the forces and means involved, and also answered questions from accredited journalists.

The briefing was attended by representatives of the defense agencies and accredited media of the CSTO member states (Yerevan, Minsk, Astana, Bishkek and Dushanbe) via videoconferencing.

The following information is based on the materials of the briefing.

The preparation of the forces and means of the collective security system for the performance of the earmarked tasks is carried out both under national plans and programs and in the CSTO format on a joint (coalition) basis in accordance with annually approved plans.

In 2023, the joint training of the CSTO collective security system's command and control bodies and formations is aimed at improving the mechanisms for adopting and implementing collective decisions on the use of the forces and means of the CSTO collective security system in the interests of localizing armed conflicts, stabilizing the situation and maintaining peace and security in the CSTO area of responsibility.

The forces and means of the collective security system are designed to participate:

preventing the threat and repelling an armed attack (aggression) against one or more CSTO member states, localizing armed actions and conflicts;

in measures to counter challenges and threats to the security of the CSTO member states, including combating international terrorism, illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, weapons and ammunition, and other types of transnational organized crime;

in the performance of measures to protect the population from hazards arising during or as a consequence of hostilities, in the elimination of emergency situations and the provision of emergency humanitarian aid;

om strengthening the protection of state borders and state and military facilities of the CSTO member states;

in peacekeeping operations;

to fulfil other tasks determined by the CSTO Collective Security Council.

In the interests of the effective conduct of joint training activities for the forces and means of the CSTO collective security system, the Joint Staff, in cooperation with the Secretariat and the defense departments of the CSTO member States, has developed a military, political and strategic training situation.

The situation is based on possible options for the development of events in the CSTO collective security regions, taking into account contemporary challenges and threats, including the creation of conditions for interference in the internal affairs of a CSTO member State, the desire of unfriendly states to achieve their goals by any means (economic, political and sanctions pressure, with the support of the media involved in an information campaign against the CSTO), up to and including armed confrontation.

At the same time, both territorial claims and historical interethnic, religious and economic contradictions become the causes of conflicts.

This year's joint training events - the Joint business game, training sessions, camps and trainings - are interlinked in terms of goals, tasks, location and time and are being conducted as part of the “Combat Brotherhood-2023” joint operational-strategic training of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces), which makes it possible to work out in a logical sequence the entire range of measures to respond to, prevent (deter) and resolve a military conflict and post-conflict settlement.

As part of the “Combat Brotherhood-2023” operational-strategic training, five joint (special) trainings are being conducted in August-October, covering the Eastern European and Central Asian regions of collective security.

Joint and special trainings of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) are aimed at providing training to counter external challenges and threats to the CSTO member states and are conducted in the interests of preparing for joint action to localize armed conflicts, to counter international terrorist and religious extremist organizations and also with a view to maintaining international peace and security.

The main tasks of the joint training of the CSTO collective security system's management bodies and formations of forces and means have been defined:

improving the mechanisms for adopting and implementing decisions on the use of forces and means of the CSTO collective security system;

improvement of management and comprehensive support systems and the cohesion of the management bodies of formations of forces and means of the CSTO collective security system;

improving the practical skills of officials of the command and control bodies in leading troops (forces) and enhancing operational efficiency in the preparation and conduct of joint operations in the collective security regions;

improving the level of field training and coherence of the actions of the formations of the forces and means of the collective security system, mastering new forms and methods of carrying out earmarked tasks, as well as options for the use of modern weapons, military and special equipment and special means;

improving the readiness and interoperability of the forces and means of the CSTO collective security system in the Eastern European and Central Asian regions;

conducting research on the most topical issues related to the development and application of the forces and means of the CSTO collective security system.

In order to ensure high-quality preparations for the trainings, the Joint Staff, in cooperation with the CSTO Secretariat and the defense agencies of the CSTO member states, carried out a range of activities, including consultations, working meetings, staff talks and reconnaissance of the training areas.

Since last year, each training has begun with a joint training session between the CSTO Joint Staff, the CSTO Secretariat and the operational groups of the ministries and departments concerned of the CSTO member states for the preparation of draft decisions on the formation and deployment of the forces and means of the collective security system in a collective security crisis region.

Under the supervision of the Secretary General and the Chief of the CSTO Joint Staff, using the technical capabilities of the CSTO Crisis Response Centre, a joint business game was held: a joint business game was held on 10 and 12 April and a joint training on 23 and 24 August between the CSTO Joint Staff and the CSTO Secretariat with the participation of the operational groups of the Organization's member states, during which appropriate decisions were taken on the formation and deployment of the forces and means of the collective security system in the Eastern European and Central Asian regions of collective security.

A reinforced duty shift has been set up at the Crisis Response Centre, and the regrouping and deployment of military contingents to the designated areas is being monitored.

Thus, the preparatory phase of the trainings has now been completed.

The next stage is the active phase of the trainings to prepare for joint operations by the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces), which will culminate in practical actions by the Troops. The trainings will continue until the national contingents return to their permanent deployment points.

From 25 August, the first stage - the regrouping stage of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) - is being held on the territory of the Republic of Belarus as part of the joint training “Interaction-2023”.

A special training with reconnaissance forces and means “Search-2023”, during which the following issues will be worked out:

intelligence planning in the context of an aggravated politico-military situation in the CSTO East European Collective Security Region;

organizing and conducting various types of reconnaissance for the use of the CSTO CRRF in localizing an armed conflict.

In the course of practical actions will be carried out:

reconnaissance using “Supercam C350” strike drones with air cover provided by Su-30 CM aircraft;

landing reconnaissance teams from low altitudes (up to 200 metres) to conduct a mine ambush on the advance routes of an enemy breakthrough;

practicing the tasks of target designation, aviation guidance, artillery fire correction and additional reconnaissance of the results of the enemy's fire defeat.

During the “Echelon-2023” special training with the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) logistical support forces and means, issues will be worked out concerning the organization of logistical support, the management of CSTO CRRF logistical support units, the replenishment of stocks of materiel and the restoration of weapons, military and special equipment of the CSTO CRRF grouping.

In addition, it is planned to practice the issues in the practice areas in an exemplary manner:

organization of production activities of the collection point of damaged vehicles;

evacuation of a wounded person to a regional clinical hospital by a medical company;

mass distribution of fuel and lubricants to the combined unit of the CSTO CRRF in the field;

baking bread using field bakery equipment;

rehabilitation of a destroyed section of railway track;

delivery of equipment by military railway echelon and its unloading using collapsible metal ramp;

aviation engineering, aerodrome engineering and aerodrome technical support on the aerodrome section of the road to prepare for the re-use of aviation.

A joint training with the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces “Interaction-2023”, to practice tasks involving the use of the forces and means of the CSTO's collective security system in order to resolve the crisis situation in the CSTO's East European collective security region.

During the practical action draw, training issues and joint tactical tasks will be practiсed:

conducting reconnaissance using strike drones, detecting the base areas of illegal armed groups;

conducting an information-psychological action;

launching air strikes against enemy concentrations;

countering enemy strike drones at the forefront;

defeat the enemy and prevent his attempts to withdraw from the blockaded area;

jointly destroying the illegal armed formation in the occupied areas;

re-establishment of border control and organization of service at sections of the State border.

“Barrier-2023”, a special training involving a joint CSTO NBC protection and medical support formation, with practical training in the joint performance of tasks by specialists from NBC protection and medical support troops during the elimination of biological threats in the interests of the CSTO CRRF.

This is a new component of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) and a separate training with it is being conducted for the first time on the initiative of the Republic of Belarus, which will contribute to the development and improvement of this area.

The training will involve interaction with national authorities mandated to respond to large and rapid spreads of dangerous infectious diseases and will practically fulfil the following activities:

biological reconnaissance of the area of concentration, sampling and examination of the personnel of CSTO CRRF units by a joint analytical team from the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of Health;

deployment of a special treatment centre, evacuation of the sick to medical institutions of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Health;

delivery and examination of samples, sending samples to regional and republican sanitary-epidemiological laboratories;

elimination of the biological threat centre and complete specialized treatment of the contaminated area.

In order to develop the quality of the training aspects of the “Search-2023”, “Echelon-2023” and “Barrier-2023” special trainings and to build up forces and means for reconnaissance, logistical and medical support and NBC protection, the host country, in the interests of the CSTO CRRF, is additionally involving units of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus, which will enable a significant increase in the range of tasks to be performed (in reconnaissance, logistical support, NBC protection and medical support).

The final stage of the joint training will be a joint training with the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces entitled "Indestructible Brotherhood-2023" on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

In the course of the training, the tasks of post-conflict settlement in the crisis zone will be practiced, including the conduct of a peacekeeping operation using the forces and means of the CSTO's collective security system and the provision of humanitarian assistance.

Practical actions include the following tasks:

actions of the CPF units at checkpoints, filtration point and fulfilment of joint tasks with the Ministry of Emergency Situations at the reception point for victims;

the actions of the CPF units when escorting convoys and cargoes, blocking and inspecting populated areas;

escorting convoys and assisting the Ministry of Emergency Situations in providing humanitarian aid.

A special feature of the “Combat Brotherhood-2023” operational-strategic training is the phased, separate training of tasks involving the use of the forces and means of the CSTO collective security system (localization of armed conflict, stabilization of the situation and maintenance of peace and security in the conflict zone).

Representatives of non-CSTO member states, namely the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the People's Republic of China and Mongolia, have been invited as observers to the trainings being held in the Republic of Belarus.

Work is currently under way to coordinate the invitation of observers to the “Indestructible Brotherhood-2023” training on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic.

During the trainings, with the involvement of specialists from the CSTO's basic training and research organizations, it is planned to conduct research in topical areas, including the issues of:

organization of electronic warfare;

assessing the mobility and capabilities of the joint formation of radiation, chemical and biological defence and medical support, as well as its ability to carry out disinfection measures in the event of large-scale and rapid spread of dangerous infectious diseases;

organizing air defense cover for the national contingents of the CSTO CPF at the stages of their operational deployment and use;

interaction between the CSTO CPF Joint Command and the forces and means of the Air Defense Forces of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as with the Joint Regional Air Defense System of the Russian Federation and the Kyrgyz Republic during the preparation and conduct of a peacekeeping operation;

Compliance of the equipment of peacekeeping contingents of the CSTO member states with the list of classes of weapons, military and special equipment and special means intended for equipping the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces, their parameters and numerical characteristics.

A total of up to 3,700 personnel and up to 700 units of weapons, military and special equipment will be involved at various stages during the joint and special trainings in 2023. More than 2,500 military personnel and over 500 units of weapons, military and special equipment have been announced for participation in the trainings on the territory of the Republic of Belarus.

Practical arrangements for the movement of troops (forces) to the training areas have been in place since 25 August. Contingents and equipment are transported to the training grounds by air, rail and road.

The CSTO Joint Press Centres will be established for comprehensive coverage and dissemination of official information on the conduct of joint trainings with the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) as part of each training.

The final stages of the trainings with practical exercises will take place in the Republic of Belarus on 6 September and in the Kyrgyz Republic on 13 October, after which the contingents will return to their permanent locations.

Given the scope of the tasks completed and the preparatory activities carried out for the trainings, I hope that we will conduct the trainings in an orderly and high-quality manner, that the training and research objectives will be achieved, and that the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) units will demonstrate good field training and coherence.

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