The CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov took part in the final stage of the joint tactical and special training “Rock-2024” with units of the bodies authorized in the field of prevention and elimination of consequences of emergency situations of the CSTO member states. The event took place at the basic training ground for the CSTO rescue units “Rock City-Astana”.
From 3 to 6 September, participants in the command-staff training with the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces “Interaction-2024”, the special trainings “Search-2024” and “Echelon-2024” are regrouping in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Issues related to the preparation of proposals for the deployment and use of the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces in the Central Asian region of collective security are being worked out in the period from 3 to 4 September during a joint training session of the CSTO Joint Staff and the CSTO Secretariat in Moscow on the basis of the Crisis Response Centre.
On September 3, 2024 in Moscow, in accordance with the Plan of consultations of representatives of the CSTO member states on foreign policy, security and defense issues for 2022-2024 (item 7), consultations of representatives of the CSTO member states on the agenda of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly were held.
The Chief of the Joint Staff of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Colonel-General Andrei Nikolaevich Serdyukov, has today given a briefing on the subject of “Preparedness of the CSTO Collective Security Treaty Organization's management bodies and formations of forces and means for the conduct of joint trainings”.
Representatives of the press services of the defense departments and mass media of the CSTO member states took part in the event via videoconferencing.
The Director of the Moscow Bureau of the International Organization for Migration visited the CSTO Secretariat, where he was received by the Acting Secretary General of the CSTO Valery Semerikov
16.04.2019On April 16, 2019, a working meeting of the Acting Secretary General of the CSTO Valery Semerikov with the Director of the Bureau of the International Organization for Migration in Moscow, took place at the Secretariat of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.Abdusattor Esoev .
At the beginning of the meeting, the Acting Secretary General of the CSTO congratulated Abdusattor Esoeva with the appointment of the Director of the IOM Bureau in Moscow, and also expressed confidence in the further development of cooperation and partnership between the CSTO and IOM in the field of migration, which has been implemented since 2006.
During the meeting, Valery Semerikov informed the Director of the IOM Bureau about the migration situation in the CSTO zone and about the measures taken in the format of the Organization in the area of combating illegal migration.
In particular, it was emphasized that illegal migration is closely linked to such forms of cross-border crime as international terrorism, arms trafficking, drug trafficking and human trafficking.
In addition, the Acting Secretary General of the CSTO focused on the fact that today it is obvious that it is necessary to increase the efforts of the entire world community in the interests of global migration security.
“As one of the ways to achieve this goal, we consider the creation of conditions for the maximum favoring of immigration and the naturalization of those categories of foreign citizens whose stay in the CSTO countries meets their national interests. On the other hand, an effective system of combating illegal migration is being formed and developed in the Organization format, ”said Valery Semerikov.
In turn, A. Esoev in his speech stressed that the International Organization for Migration is interested in cooperating with the CSTO Secretariat and deepening the existing forms of interaction. “This issue is all the more relevant in the light of the Global Migration Treaty adopted at the end of 2018 within the framework of the UN General Assembly, which was signed by all the CSTO member states,” A.Esoev said .
In conclusion, both sides expressed satisfaction with the development of cooperation between the two organizations and reaffirmed their intention to strive to increase the effectiveness of interaction in areas of common interest.
IOM - The International Organization for Migration, established in 1951, is the leading intergovernmental agency in the field of migration, it works closely with governmental, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations.
On July 26, 2006, a Protocol on Cooperation was signed between the CSTO Secretariat and the IOM Administration.
CSTO spokesman Vladimir Zainetdinov
+ 7495-795-27-10,
+ 7495-621-33-23-tel / fax