Authorized organs

Aman Mambetseitov, Plenipotentiary Representative of the Kyrgyz Republic to the CSTO, was elected Chairman of the Permanent Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
The CSTO Parliamentary Assembly Council adopted a number of decisions to ensure collective security
The CSTO Military Committee discussed the development of the Organization’s military cooperation at a meeting in Almaty
On October 12–13, 2018, a visiting session of the Coordination Meeting of the chairmen of defense and security committees of the CSTO member states under the CSTO PA Council was held in Cholpon-Ata
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on a draft decision of the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs and the Council of Ministers of Defense on the draft agenda of the regular session of the Collective Security Council
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on draft joint statements on the situation in Afghanistan, on efforts to stabilize the situation in the Middle East and on intensifying cooperation of the CSTO with regional organizations
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on amendments to the Regulations on the Coordination Council of the Heads of Competent Authorities on Countering Illicit Drug Trafficking
The Permanent Council of the CSTO reviewed a package of documents on the legal registration of the statuses of the Observer at the CSTO and the CSTO Partner
The CSTO Permanent Council agreed on draft agendas for the joint meeting of the Ministerial Council, the Council of Ministers of the Ministerial Council, the CSSC and the session of the Collective Security Council.