
On 25 July 2024, staff of the CSTO Secretariat met with graduates of Central Asian universities in the fields of “International relations” and “Regional studies” who are participating in the International School of Diplomacy and are in Moscow at the invitation of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization ‘National Research Institute for the Development of Communications’ and the Centre for International Strategic Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


Allow me to thank the Russian presidency of the United Nations Security Council for the invitation to take part in the debate on the interaction between the United Nations and regional organizations - the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO.

I highly appreciate my participation in the meeting of the main body of the World Organization responsible for maintaining global peace and international security. I am convinced that today's debate will contribute to the development of new, additional mechanisms for United Nations cooperation with the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO - the leading regional organizations operating in the Eurasian security space.


The CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov took part in the debate on “UN cooperation with regional organizations: the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO” held on 19 July 2024 at the UN Security Council.


Imangali Tasmagambetov, the Collective Security Treaty Organization Secretary General, told BELTA news agency correspondent whether the CSTO sought to become a counterweight to NATO, the situation in the East European region of collective security, the role of Belarus in the organization, and what initiative of the President of Belarus had become important and timely for the CSTO.

The National Guard Ensemble of the Republic of Kazakhstan has broken the applause of the participants of the CSTO training at the concert in the Almaty region

The National Guard Ensemble of the Republic of Kazakhstan has broken the applause of the participants of the CSTO training at the concert in the Almaty region 05.10.2022

    The Song and Dance Ensemble of the National Guard of the Republic of Kazakhstan performed in the village of Zhetygen (Almaty Region, Kazakhstan) at a gala concert in front of the participants in the CSTO command and staff training "Cooperation-2022".

Concert prepared by the art group of the ensemble was held under the motto "Ұli dala ұlandary".

Honored artists and laureates of international competitions such as Gaini Zhumasheva, Baurzhan Turgumbayev, and other talents under the direction of Alpamys Asylbek, artistic director and head of the ensemble, performed songs by Kazakh composers on patriotic themes, folk works in modern arrangements, as well as cover versions of masterpieces of world pop music and choreographic etudes. The concert was also notable for its performance of folk songs of the CSTO member states, which left no one indifferent.

Concert-goers enjoyed a virtuoso performance of "Defile with Weapons" by soldiers of the National Guard Honor Guard Company to the song "Adai" performed by the orchestra.

The incendiary dances of the Guards - "Samgau", "Sailor dance", "Ylandar bii", as well as military and front-line songs, filled with the spirit of patriotism and continuity of generations, also received a great ovation.

Traditionally, the Gala Concert ended with the National Guard anthem "Eldiin korgany" performed by all participants and the Ensemble staff.

The audience warmly received the performance of military artists and musicians and thanked them with long applause.

The National Guard Song and Dance Ensemble was formed in 1992. Today it is one of the leading creative teams in the region. It consists of more than 120 people: choral soloists, dancers and a whole orchestra. And the repertoire includes not only military songs and folk music, but also modern youth styles and dances of the peoples of the world.

Joint press center of the CSTO trainings

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