
On 25 July 2024, staff of the CSTO Secretariat met with graduates of Central Asian universities in the fields of “International relations” and “Regional studies” who are participating in the International School of Diplomacy and are in Moscow at the invitation of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization ‘National Research Institute for the Development of Communications’ and the Centre for International Strategic Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


Allow me to thank the Russian presidency of the United Nations Security Council for the invitation to take part in the debate on the interaction between the United Nations and regional organizations - the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO.

I highly appreciate my participation in the meeting of the main body of the World Organization responsible for maintaining global peace and international security. I am convinced that today's debate will contribute to the development of new, additional mechanisms for United Nations cooperation with the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO - the leading regional organizations operating in the Eurasian security space.


The CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov took part in the debate on “UN cooperation with regional organizations: the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO” held on 19 July 2024 at the UN Security Council.


Imangali Tasmagambetov, the Collective Security Treaty Organization Secretary General, told BELTA news agency correspondent whether the CSTO sought to become a counterweight to NATO, the situation in the East European region of collective security, the role of Belarus in the organization, and what initiative of the President of Belarus had become important and timely for the CSTO.

Meeting of the leaders of the CSTO member States dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Collective Security Treaty and the 20th anniversary of the CSTO

Meeting of the leaders of the CSTO member States dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Collective Security Treaty and the 20th anniversary of the CSTO 16.05.2022

On May 16, this year, in the Kremlin in Moscow, a meeting of the heads of the member States of the Collective Security Treaty Organization took place, which was attended by the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko, the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin and the President of the Republic of Tajikistan Emomali Rakhmon.

The meeting was dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Collective Security Treaty and the 20th anniversary of the CSTO. 

Members of the CSTO Collective Security Council have discussed the situation in the Organization's area of responsibility, the prospects for its development and adopted the Statement dedicated to the anniversary of the CSTO..The decision of the Collective Security Treaty Organization Collective Security Council "On Awarding decorations of the CSTO Collective Security Organization to Participants of the CSTO Peacekeeping Operation in the Republic of Kazakhstan" was also signed.  

The event was also attended by the CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas. He has informed the media about the results of the meeting of the leaders:

Dear members of the media,

ladies and gentlemen,

The meeting of the leaders of the CSTO member States dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the signing of the Collective Security Treaty and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the CSTO has just ended.

I would like to express my gratitude to the Russian side for the excellent organization of the event.

The meeting has discussed the state of international and regional security. They assessed the role and place of our Organization in international relations and defined the prospects for its development.

In the course of the discussion, the heads of states noted that the number of challenges and threats to security, not only in the Organization's area of responsibility, but also in the world as a whole, was steadily growing.

A serious challenge for the CSTO member States has been the sharp increase in the aggressiveness of world powers and military-political blocs against the Russian Federation and its allies.

The military presence of NATO in the Eastern European region is expanding, military infrastructure is growing, and the intensity of operational and combat training activities is increasing. Military expenditures are increasing significantly. New European countries are being drawn into the alliance.

Modern armaments are being supplied to Ukraine in increasing volumes.

Despite positive results in the negotiation process between Armenia and Azerbaijan, tensions remain in the Caucasus region. Armed incidents on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border continue unabated. Under these conditions, an important role in stabilizing the situation is played by the Russian peacekeeping contingent, which ensures the fulfillment of the conditions of the Trilateral Agreements of November 9, 2020.

Afghanistan remains a serious destabilizing factor in the Central Asian region. Threats emanating from Afghan territory, including terrorism and drug trafficking, not only persist, but may become more acute as the socio-economic situation in that country deteriorates.

Thus, dear journalists, unfortunately, the situation along the entire perimeter of the borders of CSTO member States remains tense

Of course, these negative processes are taken into account in our activities. We continue to develop existing collective security systems and peacekeeping capabilities, as well as improving crisis response mechanisms.

As a result of today's meeting, the leaders of the states adopted the STATEMENT of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Collective Security Treaty and the 20th anniversary of the Collective Security Treaty Organization..

It notes that the choice we made in favor of uniting peacekeeping efforts in the Eurasian space has stood the test of time. The Treaty concluded in 1992 fulfills its main task of ensuring collective security and stability, territorial integrity and sovereignty of its participating States.

The Statement expresses readiness to ensure the security of the borders of the CSTO area of responsibility and expresses concern about the selective application of generally recognized norms and principles of international law, unwillingness to take into account the legitimate interests of sovereign states, interference in their internal affairs, the use of unilateral sanctions and restrictions in violation of the prerogatives of the UN SC, manifestations of double standards.

The document notes that the efforts made to strengthen the Organization and its adaptation to the current geopolitical situation have made it possible to form an effective system of collective security and countering challenges and threats. The CSTO has raised cooperation among the member States to a qualitatively new level of allied relations, has accumulated significant potential to counter a wide range of contemporary challenges and threats, and has become an important factor of peace and stability in the Eurasian space.

I would also like to announce that today the Decision was signed by the Collective Security Council on awarding the most distinguished participants of the CSTO peacekeeping operation on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the CSTO awards.

In the course of today's meeting of leaders of the CSTO member States a number of instructions were given for our further activities.

Thank you for your attention * * 

In 2022, the Republic of Armenia is chairing the Collective Security Treaty Organization.


The Collective Security Treaty (CST) was signed on May 15, 1992, in Tashkent. On May 14, 2002, at the session of the Collective Security Council in Moscow, it was decided to reorganize the mechanisms and cooperation structures of the CST member States into an international regional organization - the “Collective Security Treaty Organization” with relevant status. On September 18, 2003, the CSTO Charter entered into force. The members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization are: the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tajikistan.


The CSTO Press Secretary    Vladimir Zaynetdinov



E-mail: odkb-pressa@gov.ru

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