
On February 13, 2025, in Bishkek, the CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov met with the Kyrgyz Foreign Minister Jeenbek Kulubayev.


On February 13, 2025, in Bishkek, the CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov met with the Kyrgyz Defense Minister Baktybek Bekbolotov.


In accordance with the Decision of the Collective Security Council of the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), signed on November 28, 2024 in Astana, the Secretary of the Security Council of the Kyrgyz Republic Marat Imankulov presented the CSTO awards to a number of officials of the Kyrgyz Republic.


On February 12, 2025, in Bishkek, the CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov met with the Secretary of the Security Council of the Kyrgyz Republic Marat Imankulov.

A working meeting of the CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas with the Executive Secretary-Head of the Secretariat of the CSTO Parliamentary Session Sergey Pospelov took place

A working meeting of the CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas with the Executive Secretary-Head of the Secretariat of the CSTO Parliamentary Session Sergey Pospelov took place 17.08.2020

On August 17, this year, in the Secretariat of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a working meeting of the CSTO Secretary General Stanislav Zas and the Executive Secretary-Head of the Secretariat of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly Sergey Pospelov took place.
S. Zas and S. Pospelov discussed the state of affairs on the interaction of the working bodies of the CSTO and the Secretariat of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly and joint events planned for 2020 year. An exchange of opinions took place on issues related to the implementation of model legislation within the framework of the 2016-2020 program and the completion of work on the draft Program of Activities of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly for the approximation and harmonization of national legislation of the CSTO member states for 2021-2025. It is planned to discuss the Program at the autumn meeting of the Council of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly. 
20200817-ZRV_6569.jpgThe meeting participants also discussed the participation of representatives of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly in military trainings held in the format of the Organization and in international events organized by the CSTO. A list of issues that will be worked out at the meetings of the CSTO PA Standing Commissions was also outlined: on measures to counter challenges and threats to collective security and the ratification of international treaties adopted within the framework of the CSTO.
At the end of the meeting, the parties confirmed their intention to expand interaction between the working bodies of the CSTO and the Secretariat of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly in the interests of the CSTO member states, to maximize the strengthening of the international authority and expansion of the CSTO influence both in the member states of the Organization and at the international level.


The CSTO Press Secretary Vladimir Zaynetdinov




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