
On 25 July 2024, staff of the CSTO Secretariat met with graduates of Central Asian universities in the fields of “International relations” and “Regional studies” who are participating in the International School of Diplomacy and are in Moscow at the invitation of the Autonomous Nonprofit Organization ‘National Research Institute for the Development of Communications’ and the Centre for International Strategic Studies of the Diplomatic Academy of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 


Allow me to thank the Russian presidency of the United Nations Security Council for the invitation to take part in the debate on the interaction between the United Nations and regional organizations - the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO.

I highly appreciate my participation in the meeting of the main body of the World Organization responsible for maintaining global peace and international security. I am convinced that today's debate will contribute to the development of new, additional mechanisms for United Nations cooperation with the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO - the leading regional organizations operating in the Eurasian security space.


The CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov took part in the debate on “UN cooperation with regional organizations: the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO” held on 19 July 2024 at the UN Security Council.


Imangali Tasmagambetov, the Collective Security Treaty Organization Secretary General, told BELTA news agency correspondent whether the CSTO sought to become a counterweight to NATO, the situation in the East European region of collective security, the role of Belarus in the organization, and what initiative of the President of Belarus had become important and timely for the CSTO.

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov met with the CSTO Secretary General

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov met with the CSTO Secretary General 10.03.2023

On March 10 this year, in Bishkek, the President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sadyr Japarov received the CSTO Secretary General Imangali Tasmagambetov.

The two sides exchanged views on regional security and stability, as well as priority areas of cooperation within the Organization.

Having congratulated Imangali Tasmagambetov on assuming his new position, Sadyr Japarov expressed confidence that he would use his life and professional experience with full dedication in implementing the goals and objectives of the Organization for the benefit of strengthening regional and international security.

I. Tasmagambetov thanked the President of the Kyrgyz Republic for supporting his candidacy for the post of the CSTO Secretary General at the November (2022) session of the Collective Security Council and reported on the priorities of the Collective Security Treaty Organization set for 2023.

"The action plan to implement the decisions of the CSTO CSC has been approved by the presidency, the President of the Republic of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko. We have begun its implementation. It reflects practically all the areas of competence of our Organization and the priorities of the presidency," the CSTO Secretary General said.

Sadyr Japarov noted that the Kyrgyz Republic attached great importance to cooperation within the CSTO as a guarantor of security in the region. In order to coordinate military, informational and humanitarian measures, the Kyrgyz Republic planned to hold trainings with the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces "Indestructible Brotherhood-2023" on its territory this year.

"As we know, there remains a risk of international terrorists, who have gained combat and sabotage experience in hot spots, moving around the world to recruit citizens and carry out terrorist acts. Our countries are no exception in this regard. In this regard, it is necessary to strengthen the relevant work on timely response and prevention of possible destructive manifestations. For its part, the Kyrgyz Republic is taking appropriate measures to ensure the security and stability of the country," the President of the Kyrgyz Republic said. He emphasized the need to develop partnership cooperation between the CSTO and international organizations such as the SCO, the CIS, the UN and others.

"Kyrgyzstan is interested in enhancing the role and authority of the CSTO. The Organization has great opportunities to create conditions for ensuring the national security of the CSTO member states," Sadyr Japarov stressed.

The President of the Kyrgyz Republic noted the importance of joint efforts to consistently strengthen the development of regional cooperation in all aspects of the CSTO's competence, and to enhance its potential as a military and political international organization capable of responding promptly to security challenges and threats.

The CSTO Press Secretary Vladimir Zaynetdinov
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