
The active phase of the joint training “Rubezh-2024” with the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of the Central Asian Region (CAR CRDF), during which issues related to the preparation and conduct of combat operations to destroy illegal armed groups that have invaded the territory of a CSTO member state were practiced, was completed today in the Republic of Tajikistan at the “Harbmaidon” training range.


The active phase of the joint training “Rubezh-2024” with the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of the Central Asian Region (CRDF CAR) began today in Tajikistan at the Harbmaidon training range. The theme of the training is “Preparation and conduct of combat operations by the CRDF CAR to destroy illegal armed groups that have invaded the territory of a CSTO member state”.


From October 14 to 16 in Tajikistan at the Harbmaidon training range, an operational training session is being held with the command of the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of the Central Asian Collective Security Region (CRDF CAR) on the subject of “Fundamentals of training and combat operations of the CRDF CAR to destroy illegal armed groups that have invaded the territory of a CSTO member state”.


In the period from October 8 to 11, 2024 on the basis of the Park-Hotel “Horizon” (Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, Yastrebki village) the XXI International tournament on complex martial arts among the security forces of the CSTO member states was held.


On October 11, 2024 in Moscow on the initiative of the Russian side a set of events on the subject of international information security in the CSTO area was held.

The CSTO Secretary General and the Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly have discussed the results of joint work in 2022

The CSTO Secretary General and the Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly have discussed the results of joint work in 2022 15.12.2022

On December 15 this year, the Collective Security Treaty Organization Secretary General Stanislav Zas held a meeting with the Executive Secretary of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly Sergey Pospelov.

During the meeting key issues on the results of work in 2022 and the main joint activities for the next year were discussed. The CSTO Secretary General has approved the CSTO Secretariat's work plan for interaction with the CSTO PA Secretariat in 2023.

On December 5, at the meeting of the Council and the 15th plenary session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in Moscow, Vyacheslav Volodin, Chairman of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly and Chairman of the State Duma, thanked Stanislav Zas for his fruitful work as the CSTO Secretary General and awarded him the Medal of the CSTO Parliamentary Assembly.


The CSTO Press Secretary Vladimir Zaynetdinov


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