The Committee of Secretaries of the Security Council
The Committee of Secretaries of Security Councils is the advisory and executive body of the Organization for the coordination of the interaction of member states in ensuring their national security.
Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Armenia Grigoryan Armen Valerievich
State Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus Volfovich Aleksandr Grigorievich
Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nurdauletov Gizat Daurenbekovich
Secretary of the Security Council of the Kyrgyz Republic Imankulov Marat Mukanovich (Chairman of the Committee of Secretaries of the CSTO Security Councils)
Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Shoigu Sergei Kuzhugetovich
Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Tajikistan Rahmon Yusuf Ahmadzod