Commentary of the CSTO Secretariat on a number of media reports on the legal grounds for peacekeeping operations by the Collective Security Treaty Organization's Collective Peacekeeping Forces



The CSTO peacekeeping operations are regulated by the Agreement on the CSTO Peacekeeping Activities of 6 October 2007.

         In accordance with Article 3 of the aforementioned Agreement, a decision on a peacekeeping operation in the territory of one of the CSTO member states is taken by the CSTO Collective Security Council on the basis of a corresponding official request of that state, with immediate notification of the UN SC. A decision on a CSTO peacekeeping operation in the territory of a non-CSTO member state is taken on the basis of a UN SC decision.

The Protocol of September 16, 2021, on amendments to the above-mentioned Agreement, providing for the procedure of determining a coordinating state for interaction with the UN on behalf of the CSTO in peacekeeping, is under ratification (ratified by the Republic of Belarus, Russia and the Republic of Tajikistan).

If proposals to change the legal basis for the use of the CSTO Collective Peacekeeping Forces are received, they will be agreed upon with the member states.


The CSTO Press Secretary Vladimir Zaynetdinov


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