
On 24 April 2024, in Moscow, at the CSTO Secretariat consultations of the CSTO member states under the chairmanship of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the theme: "On topical issues of arms control, disarmament and non-proliferation" took place.


From 1 to 23 April 2024, the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation hosted the regular IX Training Courses of the CSTO member states for senior staff and leading specialists of defense departments, law enforcement agencies, security council apparatuses, security agencies and special services, as well as bodies authorized to prevent and eliminate emergency situations.


On 22 April 2024, the CSTO Secretariat hosted a working meeting between the Deputy Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, Samat Ordabaev, and the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General for Central Asia, Head of the UN Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), Kakha Imnadze.

UN General Assembly adopts Resolution on Strengthening UN-CSTO Cooperation

ООН, 26 июля - РИА Новости. Генеральная Ассамблея ООН приняла Резолюцию об углублении сотрудничества ООН и Организации Договора о коллективно безопасности. Согласно документу, ГА призывает ООН и ОДКБ "продолжить взаимодействие в интересах последовательной и всеобъемлющей реализации глобальной контртеррористической стратегии ООН".

Авторы резолюции призывают специализированные учреждения системы ООН и ОДКБ "к углублению сотрудничества и координации", а также к развитию прямых контактов в интересных для обеих сторон областях.
Двум организациям рекомендовано наращивать взаимодействие в области поддержания мира. Резолюция также призывает генсеков ООН и ОДКБ и впредь проводить регулярные консультации в рамках двусторонних встреч и различных форумов.

UN, July 26 - RIA News.

The UN General Assembly adopted a Resolution on deepening cooperation between the UN and the Collective Security Treaty Organization. According to the document, the General Assembly calls on the UN and the CSTO to "continue to cooperate in the interests of the consistent and comprehensive implementation of the UN global counter-terrorism strategy." 

The authors of the resolution call on the specialized agencies of the UN and CSTO "to deepen cooperation and coordination", as well as to develop direct contacts in areas of interest to both parties.

It was recommended to increase interaction in the field of peacekeeping for both organization. The resolution also calls on the UN and CSTO Secretary Generals to continue to hold regular consultations in bilateral meetings and various forums.

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